Waypoint 1: Beginning Your Quest

Beginning Your Quest

Due: 10/20/2015 

A) Conduct preliminary research to progress from an initial topic or idea (i.e. exploring & achieving freedom) ——> to a research question

  1. Formulate your broad research question and include it here.
  2. List all sources that have helped you so far at this stage. If you are using paper materials, check out any non-reference materials and include the citation details here.

B) Conduct further research and brainstorming, mapping, & discussion with classmates to narrow your research question to something achievable within the scope of a 7-9 full-page research essay.

  1. Formulate your focused research questions and include them here.
  2. List all sources that have helped you so far at this stage. Copy any relevant URLs, along with source info. If you are using paper materials, check out any non-reference materials and include the citation details here.

A few guidelines and requirements for this exercise:

√   150-300 words (±)

posted to our site (pls log in and use comments function at the bottom of this page)


submit via Web Form Here (to ensure course credit!)


bring printout to class on due date

NEXT UP: Waypoint 2

Due: 10/20/2015 



12 thoughts on “Waypoint 1: Beginning Your Quest

  1. JoCodi

    Question: How much of an impact does globalization have on culture and human rights.
    Carr, Stuart C. “Globalization and Culture at Work”
    Brysk, Alison “Globalization and Human Rights”
    Suárez-Orozco, Marcelo M. “Learning in the Global Era”

    Questions: Has globalization taken away some culture away from the world because of how everyone is being more connected? Do some groups feel like they are getting forgotten about because of this expansion? Is globalization negatively impacting culture or is it helping to enrich it? Are our rights as humans be modified in a way to fit in with globalization and how it is constantly changing? Has globalization had an impact on education?

  2. Tim Owen

    A. 1.How has globalization affected the games industry?
    B. 1.How has globalization and digitization affected the games industry in terms of design, distribution, and how they earn money
    2a..Witheford, Nick, and Greig Peuter. Games of Empire: Global Capitalism and Video Games. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota, 2009. Print.
    2b.Jin, Dal Yong. Korea’s Online Gaming Empire. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT, 2010. Print.
    2c.Pope, Nigel. Digital Sport for Performance Enhancement and Competitive Evolution: Intelligent Gaming Technologies. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, 2009. Print.

  3. Alexa

    A) 1. Does Globalization cause poverty?
    2. I have not used any sources thus far but I plan on using multiple, reliable data bases and scholarly books/articles to conduct my research as well as interviewing my Sociology professor, Jeff Toussiant, to get his perspective and opinion on this topic question.
    B) 1. In which part(s) of the world has Globalization affected the most?
    How has Globalization made it harder/easier for people in search of higher paying jobs?
    How has Globalization made it harder/easier for people to support their families?
    In which ways has Globalization affected certain countries?
    Are the effects of Globalization positive or negative?

  4. Myles

    1) Explaining the importance of globalization. (Topic) How has globalization affect the world and what are the pros to having it? (Question)
    a) (Source’s)
    Pologeorgis, Nicolas. How Globalization Affects Developed Countries. Investopedia, LLC. 2015. Print.

    2) What do you feel about the use of globalization? What has globalization done that has impacted your life? Do you currently work, and if so has globalization help assist you in your job? Has digitization helped you in the past and present? Without globalization how do believe you would be able to purchase your items? How do you feel about Obama wanting to have a partnership with China in globalization and digitization? If you could improve globalization what would you do? How often do you purchase items that are a part of the world trade? What items do you purchase that are not found in U.S.? How do you picture the world in ten years with or without the progression of globalization and digitization? (Questions)
    a) (Sources)
    Pologeorgis, Nicolas. How Globalization Affects Developed Countries. Investopedia, LLC. 2015. Print. http://www.investopedia.com/articles/economics/10/globalization-developed-countries.asp

  5. Ana

    Ana Alves
    Dr. Weinstein
    English 105, Section 16
    20 October 2015
    Does Globalization cause poverty?
    Source: Globalization and Poverty: Lessons from the Theory and Practice of Food Security
    Carlton G. Davis, Clive Y. Thomas and William A. Amponsah
    American Journal of Agricultural Economics
    Vol. 83, No. 3 (Aug., 2001) , pp. 714-721
    Published by: Oxford University Press on behalf of the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association
    Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1245105

    In which part of the world has globalization affected the most (poverty levels)?
    How has globalization made it harder/easier for people to find better paying jobs?
    How can globalization help impoverished countries?
    How has globalization impoverished certain countries?

  6. Lexis

    For my paper, I plan to research how globalization has changed the structure of the American economy, and how it has affected competition within the job market. I have not yet conducted any research, however I plan to derive most of information from personal interviews and text. Research questions:
    A) 1. How has globalization changed the structure of the American economy?
    2. How has globalization affected the ability of workers in the United states to compete with workers from outside countries?
    3. How has globalization affected the economic status of the poor and middle classes?
    4. What aspect of globalization affects the job market the most?
    5. How have trade practices been changed/ influenced by economic integration?
    6. How has communication been affected? was it enhanced or has it worsened as a result of globalization?
    Job Market
    – Global trade

  7. Deidra

    Deidra Benn
    Dr. Weinstein
    Eng 105-16
    20 October 2015
    For my research I want to research how globalization is affecting certain religions and businesses.
    I do not have any sources yet but I do have my sources that I plan on interviewing such as the pastor of my church, Charles Springs Jr. who works at CBN which is the Christian Broadcasting Network. I also plan to interview Greg West, the chaplain of Virginia Wesleyan
    1. How has globalization impacted your business?
    2. How has digitalization molded your business?
    3. When did this begin?
    4. How has it evolved since then?
    5. What do you think globalization means?
    6. What do you think digitalization means?
    7. What businesses or companies were/are you competing with?
    8. Name some negative and positive advantages due to the globalization.
    9. How do you see your business 5-10 years from now?
    10. What do you do in your business?

  8. Jenna

    Jenna Powell
    Dr. Weinstein
    English 105
    18 September 2015

    Waypoint 1: Beginning Your Quest

    Question: How should developed countries respond to the challenges presented by developing countries which have lower wage costs?
    Lerche III, Charles O. “THE CONFLICTS OF GLOBALIZATION.” The Conflicts of Globalization. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2015.
    Collins, Mike. “Pros And Cons Of Globalization.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2015.
    National Research Council. Globalization of Technology: International Perspectives. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 1988.

    I plan to answer this by using several different sources as well as through interviewing people whose business is effected by globalization and technology.

    Has globalization affected your business? If so, how has global competition shaped your business? Has globalization had a positive or negative impact on your business?How do you feel about globalization?When did this begin?How has globalization evolved since then?Has the advancement of technology affected your business?If so, how has it affected your business?What types of technology do you use? Do you compete with other companies overseas?

  9. Caleb

    Caleb Mercer
    Dr. Weinstein
    section 16
    19 October 2015

    Is our country better off due to globalization?
    I haven’t used any sources this far, but I plan to find some from text and additionally use interviews from Glen Lester, who works at the shipyard, my dad,who is a pastor and is on the school board, Captain Vitale who worked in naval intelligence, my sister-in-law Rebekah, and possibly The Mayor of Chesapeake.
    Research subjects: trade, transmitting information, and technology
    I haven’t used any sources this far, but I plan to find some from text and additionally use interviews from Glen Lester, who works at the shipyard, my dad,who is a pastor and is on the school board, Captain Vitale who worked in naval intelligence, my sister-in-law Rebekah, and possibly The Mayor of Chesapeake.

    -has it benefitted the country as a whole
    -are other nations benefitting more
    -cheaper labor

    transmitting information
    virtual labor
    countries hack militarily
    communication between countries

    -game systems

  10. Iyana

    A. Exploring the Discontent of Globalization (Topic). How has the effect of Globalization contributed to the outsourcing of jobs? (Broad Question)
    2. (Source’s)
    Stiglitz, E. Joseph. Globalization and its discontents. 1st Ed. New York: WW Norton, 2002. Print.
    Downie, Orel. Personal Interview
    Downie, Oral. Personal Interview

    B. (Questions) How has the outsourcing of your job affected you financially? Has it made it easier or harder to have a stable life? How has the outsourcing of your job affected your family? Were you the “bread winner” of your family? What was the cause of the outsourcing of your job? Do feel as though it was fair for others to still keep their jobs, while you lost yours? What skills did you need to acquire to be qualified for this job? What skills did you already have coming in? Would you go back to doing the same job if a brand new opportunity opened up? Do you think the outsourcing of jobs will improve overtime? How do you think the advancement of technology will affect this improvement? How has the outsourcing of jobs affected you emotionally? Have you seen a therapist or counselor?

    2. (Source’s)
    Stiglitz, E. Joseph. Globalization and its discontents. 1st Ed. New York: WW Norton, 2002. Print.
    Downie, Orel. Personal Interview.
    Downie, Oral. Personal Interview.

  11. nick

    Globalization in the 1980s
    – job market during the time
    -end of the Cold War
    – rise of new open markets
    Globalization in the 1990s
    – job market during the time
    – iraq and afghanistan
    – inovations in technology
    Future of our country
    – what will happen to the middle class
    – affects on military and innovations by global competition
    – how to adapt and stay a major player in the global market

  12. nick

    For my research I want to compare how globalization from the 80s and 90s to today’s society, so i can analyze how it has changed from the end of the cold war and what will happen in the future if we as a country decides to continue its route it has currently set. These will be the sources I will use for my research parperPrime Movers of Globalization: The History and Impact of Diesel Engines and Gas Turbines
    Vaclav Smil
    Copyright Date: 2010
    Published by: The MIT Press
    Pages: 272

    Happiness and Hardship : Opportunity and Insecurity in New Market Economies
    Book Jacket
    Graham, Carol
    Pettinato, Stefano
    Publication Information:
    Washington, D.C. : Brookings Institution Press. 2002
    Prosperity for All: Consumer Activism in an Era of Globalization
    Matthew Hilton
    Copyright Date: 2009
    Edition: 1
    Published by: Cornell University Press
    Pages: 328

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